Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Anise Toast

2 C. flour
3/4 C. sugar
2 tsp. baking powder
3 large eggs, lightly beaten
1/2 C. vegetable oil
1 tsp. anise extract

Preheat oven to 375F.  Mix together dry ingredients.  Make a well and add in the wet ingredients.  Mix together with your fingers until well-blended; the dough should be sticky.  Make two 10-inch long loaves.  Bake on a lightly-greased baking sheet for 10-15 minutes or until the edges are lightly browned.  Remove from the oven (leaving the oven on!!) and let cool about 5 minutes, then slice into 1/4-to-1/2 inch slices.  (Ergo, if you like your toast crisper, slice them thinner, if not, slice them 1/2 inch thick.  They should look like long strips either way.)  Return the toast strips to the baking pan and bake them until they are golden on one side, then turn and bake until golden on the other side.  Cool and store in an airtight container.  Makes about 24 anise cookies.


Anise toast is what Italian babies were teethed on before baby product companies caught on that they could sell teethers and people would buy them.  FYI Anise toast is cheaper and healthier than the blue goo in the teether (should the baby, you know, actually bite the teether and get at it).  If you don't want your baby to get tooth decay before she even gets teeth, instead of giving her anise toast wrap an ice cube in a washcloth.  Problem solved, no blue goo, no chokeable parts, NO MONEY SPENT.  Oh yeah, you can also dip anise toast in your coffee if you already have teeth and you like the taste of anise.  Which I do.

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