Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Boost! Pickles

I couldn't resist trying the Boost! pickles as I was stirring them today.  (I forgot to mention earlier-- stir your pickles about once a day to ensure that all your produce gets well-steeped in the pickling solution.)  One word: BOOSTALICIOUS!  I'm guessing that they got flavorful sooner than I expected due to the acid content in the Boost! as well as the vinegar.  But don't mistake me: these are sweet and tangy pickles with a lovely citrus flavor from the Boost! and not at all too harsh.  Success! 

2 unripe peaches, sliced thinly
1 regular sized cucumber, peeled and thinly sliced
about 1 C. each of white wine vinegar and Boost! syrup (enough to cover the produce)

Combine all in a non-reactive dish* or casserole and let sit in the refridgerator until mature, about 2-3 days. 

*If you be making pickles, I assume you know what a non-reactive dish is but, then again, you may not...so, a "non-reactive dish" is one that won't break down in the presence of the acid in the vinegar or impart weird flavors to your food.  No Grandma's special wood salad bowl that you never clean except with salad dressing, also preferably no metal mixing bowls or plastic storage containers.  Although I have been known to make and store pickles in all of the above.  (Except the wood bowl.  I don't have one of those.)  Basically your pickles will taste a little better and also less likely to give you cancer at a later date if you make them in something glass or ceramic.

Normally I wouldn't post a recipe with an uncertain outcome (see "Edible Doorstop"), but pickles take some time to mature and I'm afraid that if I wait until they're definitively good or bad I will have forgotten all about posting them as a recipe...or eaten them all.  They get their name from a beverage manufactured and (for the most part) consumed exclusively in Riverside, NJ, a town which is a mile square and also, coincidentally, my home town.  It's a cola-like substance, but not carbonated, and instead of the mediciney flavor of more mainstream colas (Coca Cola, Pepsi, etc.), it boasts a lemon-lime flavor.  And more caffeine, I am convinced, than Mountain Dew.  It's potent.  Why do I keep typing it with an exclamation point?  Because that is its actual name.  Not just "Boost", but "Boost!".  That's pretty much how you have to say it, too, because of its deliciousness and high caffeine content.  My personal favorite way to enjoy it is as a Boost! slushie, but I got inspired to make pickles out of the concentrate when I got down to the pickle-making I meant to do this week.  (Did I mention that Boost! is sold only as a concentrate, so you can mix it as strong as you like?  I'm surprised it hasn't caught on with the long-haul truckers and night owls before now.)  Should you feel a deep burning need to either drink Boost! or make these pickles out of it and don't live in Riverside, NJ, the website where it can be purchased is http://www.takaboost.com/ 

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