1-1/2 to 2 lbs chicken, defatted and cut into pieces
5-6 garlic cloves, sliced
1 large onion, chopped
olive oil for cooking
1/4 C. red wine
parsley and salt and pepper to taste
1-2 pototoes, cubed
1 1/2 C. frozen peas
1 lb spaghetti, cooked
In hot oil, fry the chicken pieces just a little bit-- don't let them get brown. Then add in the onion, garlic, parsley, and potatoes. Add in the red wine and let everything simmer uncovered for about 10 minutes. Add in 4-5 glasses* of water-- enough to cover the chicken-- and the package of frozen peas. Let it simmer until there is enough sauce for the spaghetti. (Note from 4/89-- "Too much water.")
Mystery Ingredient solved: it was a quantifiable amount of peas. There is still no direction on spaghetti, but I'm guessing that is due to the cooking style of Great-grandmom, which basically dictated that you put in as much spaghetti as you have people to feed, and they'll eat it and like it!
Okay, first things first. There is a mystery ingredient that I need to get with my cousin Judi to clarify what it is. It may be spaghetti, since it's not (as far as I can tell) mentioned in this recipe other than in the title. The 1 lb is my thought on how much spaghetti you would need to go with this sauce.
*I'm not sure if Great-grandmom Canduci was talking about her juice glasses (6 oz.) or water tumblers (12-16oz.) Either way, it's a lot of water. Based on the rest of the recipe, what I would do is get to the point where you would be adding in the water and peas, and add in the peas first. Then, stir everything around in the pot so it's in an even layer on the bottom, with chicken pieces and onions and the like peeking up amongst the peas. Then I would add in enough water to just go over the top of the peas and proceed as directed.
5-6 garlic cloves, sliced
1 large onion, chopped
olive oil for cooking
1/4 C. red wine
parsley and salt and pepper to taste
1-2 pototoes, cubed
1 1/2 C. frozen peas
1 lb spaghetti, cooked
In hot oil, fry the chicken pieces just a little bit-- don't let them get brown. Then add in the onion, garlic, parsley, and potatoes. Add in the red wine and let everything simmer uncovered for about 10 minutes. Add in 4-5 glasses* of water-- enough to cover the chicken-- and the package of frozen peas. Let it simmer until there is enough sauce for the spaghetti. (Note from 4/89-- "Too much water.")
Mystery Ingredient solved: it was a quantifiable amount of peas. There is still no direction on spaghetti, but I'm guessing that is due to the cooking style of Great-grandmom, which basically dictated that you put in as much spaghetti as you have people to feed, and they'll eat it and like it!
Okay, first things first. There is a mystery ingredient that I need to get with my cousin Judi to clarify what it is. It may be spaghetti, since it's not (as far as I can tell) mentioned in this recipe other than in the title. The 1 lb is my thought on how much spaghetti you would need to go with this sauce.
*I'm not sure if Great-grandmom Canduci was talking about her juice glasses (6 oz.) or water tumblers (12-16oz.) Either way, it's a lot of water. Based on the rest of the recipe, what I would do is get to the point where you would be adding in the water and peas, and add in the peas first. Then, stir everything around in the pot so it's in an even layer on the bottom, with chicken pieces and onions and the like peeking up amongst the peas. Then I would add in enough water to just go over the top of the peas and proceed as directed.
I'm thinking a 6 to 8 oz glass of water. And, yes, pasta "to taste"! (judi)