Vegetarian Meatballs |
So here's a picture of the vegetarian meatballs. They can also be fried instead of baked (with or without sauce), and I haven't tried it, but they hold up well enough that I bet you could actually simmer them in a sauce on top of the stove. The recipe makes about 3-4 servings of about 3-4 meatballs. No, I'm still not going to call them "beanballs" or "vegetarian balls" or anything besides a meatball. It's meaty, it takes the role of protein in a meal, it's a meat. Unless you can point out to me the greater Meatabeast of Central Africa, I refuse to linguistically acknowledge that all meat must come from animal muscle fiber. Just call me "Dona Quixote".
A word on all the vegetarian recipes all of a sudden: of course health professionals have been telling us all for years now to eat less red meat and more fiber, but mainly my sudden interest stems from the fact that I can buy enough protein for a "serves 4-6 meal" for between 25 and 50 cents. (50 cents if I feel lazy and use precooked canned beans.) Whereas the same amount of meat would cost $3-$6. Plus I get to hold over everybody's heads how healthy I am and how I go look at the ducks in the park and feel self-righteous about not wanting to eat them.
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