Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Spicy Potatoes

1/2-1 potato per person
olive oil for cooking and drizzling
1/4th of an onion per person
salt, pepper, and cayenne pepper

Wash the potatoes.  DO NOT PEEL THEM OR CHOP THEM.  Put them in a large pot and cover them with water.  Bring the water to a boil and cook the potatoes until they are soft all the way through when you stick a knife in them.  Remove them from the boiling water and let them cool.  Gently peel the skins off the potatoes.  Then, slice them into quarters and, holding two quarters together, slice them into thin pieces.  Peel the onion and chop it longways so it makes thin strips.  Put the onion and potatoes together in a large bowl.  Drizzle them liberally with olive oil, tossing them once or twice and redrizzling to ensure all are coated.  Salt and pepper the onions and potatoes to taste.  Let them sit about 30 minutes, checking them 2 or 3 times during the 30 minutes to see if the oil is being absorbed.  Toss and add more oil if necessary.  The potatoes and onions should be shiny but not wet with oil.  In small batches transfer the onion and potato mixture to a large skillet and fry over medium heat until the potatoes are onions are crispy, flipping once to make sure both sides get done.  Sprinkle them while they're in the pan with cayenne pepper to taste.  Drain on paper towels. 

Take that, French Fries!  These are just as unhealthy and full of delicious grease and oil as the fast food item, but homemade, free of unnatural ingredients (depending on your perspective on cayenne pepper) and deliciously fresh because, like pancakes, you kind of make them and eat them as you go.  I am probably the only American in the country who will happily admit to a semi-addiction to grease.  The cause is even more banal than "it just tastes good".  I have been reducing my meat intake due to a lack of interest (in the product and in the additives that go in it) and the unintended consequence has been a craving for FAT.  Wish me success in avoiding morbid obesity.

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