Sunday, January 22, 2012

A Word of Explanation -or- My Vendetta Against the Coconut

At this point a regular reader may be wondering why a blog on Italian cooking suddenly got hijacked by recipes for homemade shampoo and toothpaste.  Which does currently taste like soap.  Never fear,
I will still post mainly food recipes, but here are my reasons for branching out:

I was raised by Italians.  This is similar to being raised by very loving, very cheap wolves.  Therefore I am personally excited about paying 96 cents for toothpaste.  Especially if I have all the components in my cabinets already.  So for you, humble reader, the cost is 96 cents per tube.  For me it is free.  Or a low fraction of $0.96 if I decide to get my math on and multiply the actual cost of each ingredient by the percentage of it that goes to each use (food, cleaning product, etc) and then divide that number by the amount that goes in the equivalent to one purchased unit (tube, bottle, etc).

I am currently at war with the coconut.  The coconut does not like me.  I do not like it.  I am an adult, and am aware that often the most effective approach to an intractable enemy is avoidance.  Call it coconut pacifism, if you will.  Unfortunately, this means that I must make a lot of household items if I truly want to avoid further conflicts.

I like to write.  And I feel like it will create entertainment value if I chronicle what happens when a person who would happily go to the drugstore and buy laundry detergent and shampoo attempts to make and live with them herself.

So in closing, the quick and dirty: my toothpaste tastes like soap.  Oh well, sucks to be me.  I view it as a challenge.  A daily morning challenge.  I have a pretty active gag reflex, and the new toothpaste hasn't gagged me yet, so that's one up on store-bought toothpaste.  My hair looks great.  My skin looks mostly great.  Olive oil is really moisturizing.  So moisturizing.  Really, reaaaally moisturizing.  Have you ever heard of an Italian with dry skin?  I'm sure they're out there, and in my coconut-loving days I too had normal to dry skin.  Well, no longer.  So now I need to find a way to handle a small amount of pore-clogging that is a result of having such luxuriously moisturizing and coconut-free shampoo and soap.  Some of this is due to the switch in products, and some due to a lag in product use habits on my part.  Commercial soaps are pretty drying, at least for me.  Now all of a sudden I don't really need to be slathering on conditioner, moisturizer, and body lotion.  But I will post a more sophisticated shampoo recipe as soon as I get motivated to make one.

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