Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Spinach Pie / My Ode to the Y Chromosome

2 9-inch unbaked pie shells*
2 pkgs frozen chopped spinach**
6 onions, chopped
4-5 eggs
salt, pepper, and garlic powder to taste
1/2 C. breadcrumbs (optional)
2 TB. parsley (also optional)
1/2 C. grated parmesan cheese
12 oz. cream cheese
oil for sauteing

Cook and drain the spinach.  Set aside.  Saute the onions in oil until tender, sprinkling with the garlic powder to roast the flavor out in the oil.  In a large bowl combine all the ingredients except the breadcrumbs.  Pour the mixture into the pastry shells and, if desired, sprinkle the top with breadcrumbs.  Bake at 350F until done-- about 1 hour-- or until the top is brown and the pies are set.  Let cool slightly before attempting to slice.  Is good hot or room temperature!

Let me just say, first of all, that it defies my imagination that this is an internationally read blog.  Thank-you so much for giving me that. 

On a completely separate topic, but still in the subject of gratefulness, I would like here to proclaim my everlasting appreciation of men in the workplace.  I present to you the following examples of why: in the space of two consecutive workdays, my male coworker argued, without regard for my entreaties to please stop, his opinions on how the theories of evolution and natural selection were bad science produced by a cultural bias towards atheism and machiavellian tendencies, announced that he hated professional fashion models because they are all prostitutes who got paid to have sex and that, additionally they are (also in his opinion) too dumb to do anything else or else they would, and proclaimed his love of death metal.  Yet we were able to work amicably side-by-side, despite vigorous protesting on my part to all of the above points.  For contrast, I have had hair-tossing and crying directed at me for such occasions as a difference of opinion on whether or not we (I) should do what the supervisor told both of us to do on pain of punishment, followed by days, if not weeks, of similar disdain.  So God bless testicles.  God bless them, everyone.

*First of all, the "9 inches" refers to the diameter of a round pie pan.  So, in metric that's 23 cm.  If your metric (or otherwise) pie pans come measured in volume, I cannot be of much assistance, although I would guess that each pie pan would need to be able to hold about 250-500mL. 

Secondly, here is an easy recipe for one batch of pie crust (you'd need to double it to make spinach pie).

**I think it's 16 ounces per package of frozen spinach, so you would need to cook up two good bunches (about 1kg) of fresh spinach.

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