Monday, May 28, 2012

Tropical Boost Punch

By now you all (youse, ya'll) should know about my love for Boost! .  (And that I feel the need to say it with the exclamation point even if the sentence is not declarative.)  Oh, BTW, "youse" is not pronounced "yuice" like "juice", except by Hollywood, CA actors who are trying to pretend to be guidos.  It's pronounced "yews" like "Jews".  One: you.  Two: youse.  There you go.  Returning to the matter at hand, Boost! is high enough in calories and low enough (zero) in nutrition that I feel the need to mix it up in my Boost! consumption.  You would think that if I only drank it once a month I would want it to be the same time-honored Boost! plus water combo.  But remember, this is coming from the person who has to think hard to remember the last time she made the same thing twice.  It's a seriously bad week for me if I hit the kitchen and think "You know, what I really want is some high-carbohydrate comfort food."  Anyway, here is a Boost! mocktail that actually aids and abets the yummy Boost!ness while having an interesting combination of flavors.

Tropical Boost! Punch

1 12 oz. can coconut-flavored seltzer water (lemon-lime would probably be good, too)
2 oz. Boost! concentrate
2 oz. orange-mango juice blend

Mix all together.  Enjoy!  It's best if most of the ingredients are chilled (I don't keep my Boost! concentrate in the fridge), because, since Boost! is a concentrate, adding ice cubes kind of messes with the appropriate dilution.  (Ie, it's really easy to have watery Boost! if you're mixing it by the glass and using tap water.)

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